Laboratoire de neurocognition de la vision
Martin Arguin, Professeur titulaire et Directeur du laboratoire
Affiliations: Département de psychologie de l'Université de Montréal
Centre de recherche, Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal
Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche sur le cerveau et l’apprentissage (CIRCA), Université de Montréal
Poster VSS 2024
Technique d’échantillonnage temporel aléatoire
Dans plusieurs de nos projets, nous utilisons une technique développée au laboratoire qui se nomme
« échantillonnage temporel aléatoire ». Cette technique implique la présentation de stimuli dont le rapport signal sur bruit varie de façon aléatoire à travers le temps. Suite à l’accumulation d’un grand nombre d’essais, nous pouvons construire des images de classification reflétant l’efficacité du traitement perceptif à travers le temps et en fonction des caractéristiques oscillatoires du stimulus.
Cette technique est expliquée en détail dans l’article suivant :
Arguin, M., Ferrandez, R. & Massé, J. (2021). Oscillatory visual mechanisms revealed by random temporal sampling. Scientific Reports, 11 : 21309.
Vidéo de vulgarisation :
Les caractéristiques temporelles du traitement visuel dans le vieillissement sain - Créée par Mélanie Lévesque, 2eme prix du concours Éclair de Psy 2023
Articles publiés
Arguin, M. & Aubin, M. (2023). Stereopsis provides a constant feed to visual shape representation. Vision Research, 204, 108175.
Arguin, M., Ferrandez, R. & Massé, J. (2021). Oscillatory visual mechanisms revealed by random temporal sampling. Scientific Reports, 11 : 21309.
Arguin, M., Macoir, J. & Hudon, C. (2020). Cognistat : Normes francophones pour les 60 ans et plus. Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement / Canadian Journal of Aging.
Fortier-St-Pierre, S. & Arguin, M. (2019). Normalisation et validation d’une épreuve de vitesse de lecture en présentation visuelle sérielle rapide. Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 52(3), 261-265.
Aumont, É., Arguin, M., Bohbot, V., & West, G. (2019). Enhanced cognitive control and working memory is displayed in response learners. Brain and Cognition, 135, Octobre 2019, 103576.
Arguin, M., Marleau, I., Aubin, M., Zahabi, S., & Leek, E. C. (2019). A surface-based code contributes to visual shape perception. Journal of Vision, 19(11) :6, 1-23.
THIERY, T., LAJNEF, T., JERBI, K., ARGUIN, M. AUBIN, M. & JOLICOEUR, P. (2016). Decoding the locus of covert visuospatial attention from EEG signals. PLoS One, 11(8): e0160304.
AUBIN, M. & ARGUIN, M. (2014). Stereo and shading contribute independently to shape convexity/concavity discrimination. Perception, 45, 233-243.
ZAHABI, S., & ARGUIN, M. (2014). A crowdful of letters: Disentangling the role of similarity, eccentricity and spatial frequency in letter crowding. Vision Research, 97, 45-51.
BLAIS, C., ARGUIN, M., & GOSSELIN, F. (2013). Human visual processing oscillates: Evidence from a classification image technique. Cognition, 128(3), 353-362.
POIRIER, F. J. A. M., GOSSELIN, F., & ARGUIN, M. (2013). Subjectively homogeneous noise over written. text as a tool to investigate the perceptual mechanisms involved in reading. Journal of Vision, 13(11) :14, 1-19.
TADROS, K, DUPUIS-ROY, N., FISET, D., ARGUIN, M. & GOSSELIN, F. (2013). Reading laterally : The cerebral hemispheric use of spatial frequencies in visual word recognition. Journal of Vision, 13(1), ArtID 4, 1-12.
BLAIS, C., ROY, C., FISET, D., ARGUIN, M, & GOSSELIN, F. (2012). The eyes are not the window to basic emotions. Neuropsychologia, 50(12), 2830-2838.
POIRIER, F. J. A. M., GOSSELIN, F., & ARGUIN, M. (2012). Clouds are not normal occluders, and other. oddities : More interactions between textures and lightness illusions. Journal of Vision. 12(1): 21; doi:10.1167/12.1.21
PRIME, D., DELL’ACQUA, R., ARGUIN, M., GOSSELIN, F., & JOLICOEUR, P. (2011). Spatial layout of letters in nonwords affects visual short-term memory load : Evidence from human electrophysiology. Psychophysiology, 48(3), 430-436.
WILLENBOCKEL, V., FISET, D., CHAUVIN, A., BLAIS, C., ARGUIN, M., TANAKA, J., BUB, D. & GOSSELIN, F. (2010). Does face inversion change spatial frequency tuning?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36(1), 122-135.
HAMMAL, Z., ARGUIN, M., & GOSSELIN, F. (2009). Comparing a novel model based on the transferable belief model with humans during the recognition of partially occluded facial expressions. Journal of Vision, 9(2), 1-19,, doi:10.1167/9.2.22.
LEEK, E. C., REPPA, I., RODRIGUEZ, E. & ARGUIN, M. (2009). Surface but not volumetric part structure mediates three dimensional shape representation: Evidence from part-whole priming. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62(4), 814-830.
BLAIS, C., FISET, D., ARGUIN, M., JOLICOEUR, P., BUB, D. & GOSSELIN, F. (2009). Reading between eye saccades. PLoS One, 4(7), e6448. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0006448.
PERRON, R., LEFEBVRE, C., ROBITAILLE, N., BRISSON, B., GOSSELIN, F., ARGUIN, M., & JOLICOEUR, P. (2009). Attentional and anatomical considerations for the representation of simple stimuli in visual short-term memory: Evidence from human electrophysiology. Psychological Research, 73, 222-232.
BLAIS, C. & ARGUIN, M., & MARLEAU, I. (2009). Orientation invariance in visual shape perception. Journal of Vision, 9(2):14, 1-23,, doi:10.1167/9.2.14.
PREDOVAN, D., PRIME, D., ARGUIN, M., GOSSELIN, F., DELL’ACQUA, R. & JOLICOEUR, P. (2009). On the representation of words and nonwords in visual short-term memory: Evidence from human electrophysiology. Psychophysiology, 46, 191-199. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8986.2008.00753.x
FISET, D., BLAIS, C., ARGUIN, M., TADROS, K., ETHIER-MAJCHER, C., BUB, D., GOSSELIN, F. (2009). The spatio-temporal dynamics of visual letter recognition. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 26(2), 23-35.
FISET, D, BLAIS, C., ÉTHIER-MAJCHER, ARGUIN, M., BUB, D., & GOSSELIN, F. (2008). Features for uppercase and lowercase letter identification. Psychological Science, 19(11), 1161-1168.
POIRIER, F. J. A. M., GOSSELIN, F., & ARGUIN, M. (2008). Perceptive fields of saliency. Journal of Vision, 8(15), 1-19.
FIMBEL, E. J. & ARGUIN, M. (2007). Myocontrol in aging. PLoS One, 2(11), e1219 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001219.
FISET, D.; GOSSELIN, F.; BLAIS, C. & ARGUIN, M. (2006). Inducing letter-by-letter dyslexia in normal readers. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 1466-1476.
FISET, S.; ARGUIN, M. & FISET, D. (2006). An attempt to simulate letter-by-letter dyslexia in normal readers. Brain and Language, 98(3), 251-263.
FIMBEL, E.; LEMAY, M. & ARGUIN, M. (2006). Speed-accuracy trade-offs in myocontrol. Human Movement Science, 25, 165-180.
FISET, D., ARGUIN, M. & McCABE, E. (2006). The breakdown of parallel letter processing in letter-by- letter dyslexia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 23(2), 240-260.
LAHAIE, A., MOTTRON, L., ARGUIN, M., BERTHIAUME, C., JEMEL, B., & SAUMIER, D. (2006). Understanding face perception in autism : Evidence for a superior processing of face parts, not for a configural face processing deficit. Neuropsychology, 20, 30-41.
LEEK, E. C., REPPA, I. & ARGUIN, M. (2005). The structure of 3D object shape representations: Evidence from whole-part matching. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 31, 668-684.
CHAUVIN, A. ; WORSLEY, K. J. ; SCHYNS, P. G.; ARGUIN, M. & GOSSELIN, F. (2005). A sensitive statistical test for smooth classification images. Journal of Vision, 5 (9), 659-667.
ARGUIN, M. & BUB, D. (2005). Parallel processing blocked by letter similarity in letter-by-letter dyslexia :A replication. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 22, 589-602.
FISET, D., ARGUIN, M., BUB, D., HUMPHREYS, G. W. & RIDDOCH, M. J. (2005). How to make the word length effect disappear in letter-by-letter dyslexia. Psychological Science, 16, 535-541.
SAUMIER, D. ; CHERTKOW, H. ; ARGUIN, M. & WHATMOUGH, C. (2005). Establishing visual category boundaries between objects: A PET study. Brain and Cognition, 59, 299-302.
ANSALDO, A. I., ARGUIN, M. & LECOURS, A. R. (2004). Recovery from aphasia: A longitudinal study on language recovery, lateralization patterns, and attentional resources. Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Neuropsychology, 26, 621-627.
ARGUIN, M. & SAUMIER, D. (2004). Independent processing of parts and of their spatial organization in complex visual objects. Psychological Science, 15, 629-633.
PERETZ, I., RADEAU, M. & ARGUIN, M. (2004). Two-way interactions between music and language: Evidence from priming recognition of tune and lyrics in familiar songs. Memory and Cognition, 32, 142-152.
SAUMIER, D. & ARGUIN, M. (2003) Distinct mechanisms for the linear non-separability and conjunction effects in visual shape encoding. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 56A, 1373-1388.
ARGUIN, M. & LEEK, E.C. (2003) Orientation-invariance in visual object priming depends on prime-target asynchrony. Perception and Psychophysics, 65, 469-477.
FISET, D. & ARGUIN, M. (2002). L’approche connexioniste en neuropsychologie cognitive : Le cas de la lecture et des dyslexies acquises. Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 23, 181-205.
ARGUIN, M., FISET, S., & BUB, D. (2002). Sequential and parallel letter processing in letter-by-letter dyslexia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 19¸ 535-555.
ANSALDO, A. I., ARGUIN, M. & LECOURS, A. R. (2002b). The contribution of the right cerebral hemisphere to the recovery from aphasia: A single longitudinal case study. Brain and Language, 82, 206-222.
ANSALDO, A. I., ARGUIN, M. & LECOURS, A. R. (2002a). Initial right hemisphere takeover and subsequent bilateral participation during recovery from aphasia. Aphasiology, 16 (3), 287-304.
SAUMIER, D., ARGUIN, M., LEFEBVRE, C. & LASSONDE, M. (2002) Visual object agnosia as a problem in integrating parts and part relations. Brain and Cognition, 48, 531-537.
ARGUIN, M. & SAUMIER, D. (2001). Shortcomings of the HIT framework and possible solutions. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24 (3), 476-477.
SAUMIER, D., ARGUIN, M. & LASSONDE, M. (2001) Prosopagnosia: A case study involving problems in processing configural information. Brain and Cognition, 46, 255-259.
BOWERS, J.S., MIMOUNI, Z. & ARGUIN, M. (2000). Orthography plays a critical role in cognate priming : Evidence from French/English and Arabic/French cognates. Memory and Cognition, 28, 1289-1296.
BEAUCHEMIN, M.-J., ARGUIN, M., BELLEVILLE, S. & DESMARAIS, G. (2000) Alterations in the task-set reconfiguration process in closed head injury adolescents. Brain and Cognition, 44(1), 63-66.
ARGUIN, M. & SAUMIER, D. (2000). Conjunction and linear non-separability effects in visual shape encoding. Vision Research, 40, 3099-3115.
ARGUIN, M., LASSONDE, M., QUATTRINI, A., DEL PESCE, M. & PAPO, I. (2000).Divided visuo-spatial attention systems with total and partial callosotomy. Neuropsychologia, 38, 283-291.
DIXON, M.J., BUB, D.N., CHERTKOW, H. & ARGUIN, M. (1999.) Object identification deficits in dementia. of the Alzheimer type : Combined effects of semantic and visual proximity. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 5(4), 330-345.
WHATMOUGH, C. & ARGUIN, M. (1999). Cross-modal priming evidence for phonology-to-orthography activation in visual word recognition. Brain and Language, 66(2), 275-293.
DIXON, M. & ARGUIN, M. (1999). Shape set dimensionality vs structural distance effects in a patient. with category-specific visual agnosia. Brain and Cognition, 40(1), 101-104.
FISET, S. & ARGUIN, M. (1999). Case alternation and orthographic neighborhood size effects in the left and right cerebral hemispheres. Brain and Cognition, 40(1), 116-118.
WHATMOUGH, C. & ARGUIN, M. (1999). An ERP study of the time course of priming and word frequency effects in visual lexical decision. Brain and Cognition, 40(1), 24.
LECOURS, S., ARGUIN, M., BUB, D.N., CAILLÉ, S. & FONTAINE, S. (1999). Semantic proximity and shape feature integration effects in visual agnosia for biological kinds. Brain and Cognition, 40(1), 171-174.
ZAIDEL, E., BLOCH, M. & ARGUIN, M. (1999). Pattern perception in hemispheric word recognition. Brain and Language, 69(1), 379-382.
ANSALDO, A.I., ARGUIN, M. & LECOURS, A.R. (1999). The contribution of the right hemisphere to recovery from aphasia : Changes in lateralization patterns over time. Brain and Language, 69(1), 375-377.
DIXON, M. BUB, D.N. & ARGUIN, M. (1998). Semantic and visual determinants of face recognition in a prosopagnosic patient. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 10, 362-376.
FISET, S. & ARGUIN, M. (1998). The independence of letter and word processing in letter-by-letter reading. Brain and Cognition, 37, 88-91.
LECOURS, S., ARGUIN, M. BUB, D.N., DUDEK, G., CAILLÉ, S. & FONTAINE, S. (1998). A semantic proximity effect on object recognition in visual agnosia for biological kinds. Brain and Cognition, 37, 138-141.
WHATMOUGH, C. & ARGUIN, M. (1998). Semantic mediation of auditory priming in dyslexia. Brain and. Cognition, 37, 86-88.
ARGUIN, M., BUB, D.N. & BOWERS, J. (1998). Extent and limits of covert lexical activation in letter-by- letter reading. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 15 (1/2), 53-92.
ANSALDO, A.I., ARGUIN, M. & LECOURS, A.R. (1998). Attention-Independent Enhancement of Left Visual Hemifield Performance in the Recovery from Aphasia. Brain and Language, 65(1), 180-183.
ARGUIN, M. & BUB, D.N. (1997). Lexical constraints on reading accuracy in neglect dyslexia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 14, 765-800.
DIXON, M., BUB, D.N. & ARGUIN, M. (1997). The interaction of object form and object meaning in the identification performance of a patient with category-specific visual agnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 14, 1085-1130.
DIXON, M., MILL, D., CHERTKOW, H., BUB, D.N. & ARGUIN, M. (1997). Visual and semantic determinants of object recognition deficits in early Alzheimer's disease. Brain and Cognition, 35, 361-364.
ARGUIN, M., BOWERS, J. & BUB, D.N. (1996). Implicit lexical access in letter-by-letter reading is not. mediated by the right hemisphere. Brain and Cognition, 30, 275-277.
WHATMOUGH, C., ARGUIN, M. & BUB, D.N. (1996). The effect of orthographic and phonemic neighbourhoods in surface dyslexia. Brain and Cognition, 30, 428-430.
BOWERS, J. S., BUB, D.N. & ARGUIN, M. (1996). A characterization of the word superiority effect in pure alexia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 13, 415-441.
BOWERS, J. S., ARGUIN, M. & BUB, D.N. (1996). Fast and specific access to orthographic knowledge in a pure alexic patient.Cognitive Neuropsychology, 13, 525-567.
ARGUIN, M., BUB, D.N. & DUDEK, G. (1996). Shape integration for visual object recognition and its implication in category specific visual agnosia. Visual Cognition, 3, 221-275.
ARGUIN, M., BUB, D.N., DIXON, M., CAILLÉ, S. & FONTAINE, S. (1996). Shape integration and semantic proximity effects in visual agnosia for biological objects: a replication. Brain and Cognition 32, 259- 261.
ARGUIN, M., BOWERS, J. S. & BUB, D.N. (1996). Contrasting abstract orthographic processing and phonological access in letter-by-letter reading. Brain and Cognition, 32, 190-192.
BEAUCHEMIN, M.-J., ARGUIN, M. & DESMARAIS, G. (1996). Increased non-verbal Stroop interference in aging. Brain and Cognition 32, 255-257.
BUB, D.N. & ARGUIN, M. (1995). Visual word activation in pure alexia. Brain and Language, 49, 77-103.
ARGUIN, M. & BUB, D.N. (1995). Priming and response selection processes in letter classification and. identification tasks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 21, 1199-1219.
ARGUIN, M., CAVANAGH, P. & JOANETTE, Y. (1994). Visual feature integration with an attention deficit. Brain and Cognition, 24, 44-56.
ARGUIN, M. & BUB, D.N. (1994). Pure alexia: Attempted rehabilitation and its implications for interpretation of the deficit. Brain and Language, 47, 233-268.
ARGUIN, M. & BUB, D.N. (1993).Evidence for an independent stimulus-centered spatial reference frame. from a case of visual hemineglect. Cortex, 29, 349-357.
ARGUIN, M. & BUB, D.N. (1993). Single-character processing in a case of pure alexia. Neuropsychologia, 31, 435-458.
ARGUIN, M. & BUB, D.N. (1993). Modulation of the directional attention deficit in visual neglect by hemispatial factors. Brain and Cognition., 22, 148-160.
ARGUIN, M., JOANETTE, Y. & CAVANAGH, P. (1993). Visual search for feature and conjunction targets with an attention deficit. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 5, 436-452.
ARGUIN, M., CAVANAGH, P. & JOANETTE, Y. (1993). A lateralized alerting deficit in left brain-damaged patients. Psychobiology, 21, 307-323.
BUB, D.N., ARGUIN, M. & LECOURS, A. R. (1993). Jules Dejerine and his interpretation of pure alexia. Brain and Language, 45, 531-559.
BELLEVILLE, S., PERETZ, I., ARGUIN, M., FONTAINE, F., LUSSIER, I., GOULET, P. & JOANETTE, Y. (1992). Assessment of semantic processing in patients with Alzheimer's type dementia: The release of proactive inhibition paradigm. Neuropsychology, 6, 29-41.
ARGUIN, M. & BUB, D.N. (1992). L'effet de supériorité du mot dans la dyslexie de négligence. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 2, 51-84.
BELLEVILLE, S., PERETZ, I. & ARGUIN, M. (1992). Contribution of articulatory rehearsal to short-term memory: Evidence from a case of selective disruption. Brain and Language, 43, 713-746.
CAVANAGH, P., ARGUIN, M. & TREISMAN, A. (1990). Effect of stimulus domain on visual search for orientation and size features. Journal of Experimental Psychology:Human Perception and Performance, 16, 479-491.
ARGUIN, M., JOANETTE, Y. & CAVANAGH, P. (1990). Comparing the cerebral hemispheres on the speed of spatial shifts of visual attention: Evidence from serial search. Neuropsychologia, 28, 733-736.
CAVANAGH, P., ARGUIN, M. & Von GRÜNAU, M. (1989). Inter-attribute apparent motion. Vision Research, 29, 1197-1204.
ARGUIN, M. & CAVANAGH, P. (1988). Parallel processing of two disjunctive targets. Perception and Psychophysics, 40, 22-30.
Chapitres de livres
Fiset, D., Blais, C., Arguin, M., Tadros, K., Éthier-Majcher, C., Bub, D., & Gosselin, F. (2009).
The spatio-temporal dynamics of visual letter recognition. In Finkbeiner, M., & Coltheart, M. (Eds). Letter recognition: From perception to representation, (pp. 23-35). Psychology Press.
Arguin, M. (2003). L'attention sélective. In. A. Delorme et M. Flückiger (Eds.).
Perception et Réalité: Une Introduction à la Psychologie de la Perception. Montréal, Gaëtan Morin.
Arguin, M. (2002). Visual processing and the dissociation between biological and man-made categories. In. E. Forde & G.W. Humphreys (Eds.). Category-specificity in brain and mind (pp.85-113). Hove, UK: Psychology Press.
Arguin, M., Bub, D.N. & Bowers, J. (1998). Extent and limits of covert lexical activation in letter-by-letter reading. In M. Coltheart (Ed). Pure Alexia (pp. 53-92). Hove, UK: Psychology Press.
Dudek, G., Arguin, M., Dixon, M. & Bub, D.N. (1997). Coding simple shapes for recognition and the integration of shape descriptors. In. M. Jenkins and L. Harris (Eds). Computational and Psychophysical Mechanisms of Visual Coding (pp. 44-60). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Arguin, M. & Bub, D.N. (1994). Functional mechanisms in pure alexia - Evidence from letter processing. In M. Farah and G. Ratcliff (Ed.), The Neuropsychology of High Level Vision (pp.149-171). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Bub, D.N. & Arguin, M. (1994). Agraphia. In V. S. Ramachandran (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, Volume 1 (pp. 71-80). New York: Academic.
Dudek, G., Arguin, M. & Bub, D.N. (1994). Human integration of shape primitives.
In C. Arcelli, L. P. Cordella and G. S. di Baja (Eds.), Aspects of Visual Form Processing (pp.188-198). River Edge, NJ: World Scientific.