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The core of our research program is on visual neurocognition.


Our work focuses on the cognitive aspects of visual processing, mainly in normal people, but also in brain-damaged individuals. The main objectives of our work are the specification of the normal mechanisms involved in visual processing and the characterization of functional deficits following brain damage.


The experimental techniques we use are mainly behavioral (cognitive psychology and psychophysics). However, some of our projects also make use of the recording of cerebral electrical activity (electroencephalogram and envent-related potentials).


The projects currently underway relate to the following themes:

Reading: visual mechanisms (i.e. form perception and visuo-spatial attention) involved in accessing orthographic-lexical knowledge for the recognition of written words and the organization of the lexical representation system


Visual recognition of objects: properties of the visual shape encoding system and representation of structural knowledge.


Temporal features of visual processing: evolution of perceptual processing over time, identification of oscillatory visual mechanisms, differential characterization according to cognitive status.


Visuo-spatial attention: mechanisms involved in attentional selection and the impact of this selection on visual processing.

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